
Its pretty safe to say that I have a bit of an obsession with dinosaurs that goes all the way back to when I was 3 or 4 years old.  My firsts love for them came in the form of Godzilla. And one can imagine my excitement when Jurassic Park came around. Its just a hobby but I try to soak up as much info, media and art of them as I can.

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List of some prehistoric shows and movies =]

Dan's Dinosaurs
great place to find dinosaur model, figures and other merchandise

Amazing Paleoartists
I absolutely love dinosaur artwork! Here are some of my favorite artists.
 Small but growing fossil collection of mine =]

Megalodon tooth. Cenozoic Era: 28-1.5 million years
Eubrontes dinosaur track, possibly a dilophosaurus. Late Triassic- early Jurassic: 200 million years
Plesiosaur tooth. Cretaceous Period: 145-66 million years
Smilodon skull, replica, La Brea Tar Pits, CA. Pleistocene Epoch: 10,000 years 
Knightia fish. Eocene Epoch: 55-33 million years

Museums I've been to and recommend visiting

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles

With a recently updated Dinosaur Hall that has new up to date and interactive exhibits, this museum is a great place to learn new sciences of dinosaurs. It's the first museum in the world to have what is now considered to be 3 age ranges of a Tyrannosaurs Rex on display. One is named Thomas! Also has an impressive mammal skeletal hall that includes a massive fin whale.

London Natural History Museum

An amazing and old museum with beautiful architecture. Exhibiting a vast range of specimens from various segments of natural history. By far the biggest museum I have ever been to. Easily could take 2 days to go through if you take your time while going through exhibits.

New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science

Small compare to most museums, but this one does hold its own. Great Exhibits, most being about local natural history.

La Brea Tar Pits & Page Museum

The La Brea tar pits is one of the most famous Ice Age fossil sites in the world, and its located here in downtown Los Angeles. Excavations are on going. And every specimen in the Page Museum was found on the site.


San Diego Natural History Museum

More dino statues and figures then fossils. This museum also has some great whale fossils and a full size statue of a Megalodon!

Denver Museum of Nature & Science

I've only been to this museum once when I was a small child, but it was my first time seeing a Tyranosaur skeleton.

Smithsonian National Museum Of Natural History in Washington DC

Unfortunately on my first visit the Dinosaur hall was under construction, and will be till 2019. But there was this great skull on display of "The Nations T-Rex" who will be the center piece of the new hall when it is finished. Dinosaurs aside this was still an amazing museum to see.

National Geographic Museum Spinosaurus Exhibit in Washington DC

Came by this museum completely by accident by just walking by. I didn't even know National Geographic had a museum!
This is a small but very impressive exhibit about Spinosaurus. Unfortunately the exhibit only runs through April 2015. I highly recommend this one!